Genre :
Progressive Rock
Released Date :
November 1, 2001
- Factoring Primes
- March 41
- Kill Diablo
- Golgotha
- Cryptomaniac
- The Infinite
- Case De Segobriga
- Parallel Extensions
- The Enigma Machine
- Shadow Land
- Modulo 3
- The Black Sun
Leyth’s instrumental rock magnum opus is my favorite of the albums I’ve been a part of creating. Utilizing largely the same cast of musicians who contributed to No Concept Of Key, this 70 minute 12 song tour de force is a whirlwind. Linked by prerecorded sound effects to bridge some of the gaps between songs (and suggest a contextual overlap where none really exists), Cryptomania is progressive instrumental rock/metal fest that takes no prisoners. Clocking in at over 11 minutes, Golgotha remains the longest track I’ve ever been a part of recording. And it like its other 11 companion tracks is a mini movie.